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Resistance Welding

Dressing Blades
Our standard blades and assemblies are available for the following tip styles. If you don't find the exact dimensions you need, please inquire about our custom profile tooling for your electrodes.






Dressing Tools
Efficiently take spot welding electrode tips back to their original shapes with our line of dressing tools and cutter assemblies, to quickly refurbish and re-use your electrodes while they're on-line or off-line. Choose from our Manual, Robotic and Table Dressing tools to completely reshape your tips.

7165-B MANUAL DRESSERS: can allow you to dress tips while on-line, even where you have tight clearances down to 3/4".

YNR-8F MANUAL DRESSERS: extend the life of your expensive copper electrodes by returning them back to their original shape

TDN-6D ROBOTIC DRESSERS: can give your robotic welder a reshaping station for single or dual-tip dressing, safely and automatically, where production downtime needs to be minimal.

Occupies less than 5 cubic feet
Expanding Mandrel, locks electrodes in place Frame and Base are Machined Steel
Adjustable speed and force on downward cycle
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